Conjugate German verbs in the different tenses:
present tense (Präsens), present perfect (Perfekt), simple past (Präteritum), past perfect (Plusquamperfekt), future (Futur I) and future perfect (Futur II).
Verbs can be categorized as regular or irregular based on how they undergo conjugation. Regular verbs follow consistent and predictable patterns, irregular verbs do not conform to these predictable patterns.
The modal verbs are dürfen, können, mögen, müssen, sollen und wollen. They are used to change the content of the statement.
Ich kann ein Buch lesen. I can read a book.
Ich muss ein Buch lesen. I have to read a book.
The infinitive form of a verb is its base form, often represented by the prefix "zu" (to). This construction is important for the formation of infinitive clauses in which one action depends on another. The "zu" construction enables the expression of purpose, intention, or additional information.
Reflexive verbs are used with a reflexive pronoun like "sich", which means "itself". There are different types of reflexive verbs
Ich dusche mich. I take a shower.
Er rasiert sich. He shaves.
We use the subjunctive to talk about an imagined or theoretical scenario. We also use it when we express a sentence in indirect speech.
Ich wünschte, ich hätte ein neues Auto.
I wish I had a new car.
Er sagte, er sei ihr Nachbar. He said he was her neighbour.
The passive describes an action or state; the person or thing. The person acting is unknown/assumed to be already known/unimportant.
Das Fenster wird geschlossen. (prozessuales Passiv) The window is being closed.
Das Fenster ist geschlossen. (statisches Passiv) The window is closed.
There are two types of participles: Partizip I (present participle) and Partizip II (past participle). The German participles are used in compound tenses, as adjectives, and to form participial clauses.
Der Mann lief singend durch den Park.
The man ran through the park singing.
By adding a prefix, the meaning of a verb can be changed - kommen (come), ankommen (arrive), bekommen (get). There are separable verbs (ankommen) and inseparable verbs (bekommen).
Ich komme an. I arrive.
Ich bekomme ein Geschenk. I get a present.
Dative verbs in German emphasise the person or thing benefiting from an action. Unlike regular verbs, they focus on the indirect object. Adjusting the recipient to the dative case is essential for accuracy.
Examples like "helfen" (to help) show how they add depth to language.
German verb conjugation involves modifying verbs to match different grammatical factors like tense, person, number, and mood. In German, verbs change their forms more extensively than in English.
"Haben und sein" can be full verbs and auxiliary verbs. Learn the difference in order to use these two verbs correctly.
Ich habe Kopfschmerzen gehabt. I have had a headache.
Ich bin im Kino gewesen. I have been to the cinema.
The German imperative is a grammatical mood used to express direct commands, requests, or instructions. In the imperative form, the subject pronoun is usually omitted and the verb takes on a particular ending depending on the pronoun and conjugation pattern of the verb.
Transitive verbs have a direct object (accusative object). Intransitive verbs have no object.
Der Maler beschreibt das Bild.
The artist describes the painting. (describe - transitive).
Der Hund läuft schnell. The dog is running fast. (run- intransitive)