1. Basic greetings, introductions and goodbyes
Below we have some basic German phrases and words to help you when you meet someone for the first time. Dreaming of skiing in Austria? Carnival in Cologne (Kölle), a beer at the Munich Oktoberfest or a city break in Germany's capital Berlin?
We've put together a handy phrasebook with important German travel phrases and vocabulary.
Quick tip: Print it out or save it to your phone for a hassle-free journey and the trip of a lifetime.
Why you should learn German travel phrases? Native German speakers always appreciate it when foreigners make the effort to learn a little of their language. It shows respect and shows that you really want to reach out to people abroad and get in touch with them and learn about the culture.
After learning the following German travel phrases, you'll only need your German phrasebook in real emergencies.
If you can express yourself with some basic German phrases, you are less likely to be taken advantage of by cab drivers, souvenir stores, and waiters!
Many of our students at GermanMind assume that everyone in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland speaks flawless English. For some people this may be true, but it cannot be generalized. Especially in Berlin there are many businesses and restaurants that even employ native English speakers. However, it cannot be said that all people in Germany, Austria and Switzerland speak perfect English. Even in major German cities, there are many people who know very little English.
If you want to have an advantage on your next travels, take a moment to memorize the following German travel phrases.
You don't want to have to seek out other English speakers every time you have a question or want to make friends with someone.
Please note that many of these German sentences are in the formal Sie conjugation. For your travel purposes, this form should be quite sufficient.
Guten Morgen!
Good Morning!
Guten Tag!
Good day!
Guten Abend!
Good Evening!
Ich heiße…
My name is…
Wie heißen Sie?
What is your name?
Wie geht’s?
How are you?
Mir geht’s gut.
I’m doing well.
Mir geht’s nicht gut.
I’m not doing well.
Ich komme aus… [den USA/Irland/Kanada/Australien/Großbritannien].
I am from… [the USA/Ireland/Canada/Australia/UK].
Wie lange bleiben Sie in [Deutschland/Österreich/der Schweiz]?
How long are you staying in [Germany/Austria/Switzerland]?
Ich bin für [eine Woche/zwei Wochen/drei Wochen] hier.
I am here for [one week/two weeks/three weeks].
Bis später!
See you later!
2. Kann ich hier Andenken kaufen?
German travel phrases for shopping
It is part of your vacation that you want to buy souvenirs for your friends (or yourself) from your trip to Vienna.
It's important to know basic German vocabulary and phrases for shopping so you can get exactly what they want.
Verkaufen Sie Andenken?
Do you sellsouvenirs?
Verkaufen Sie…?
Do you sell…?
Wie viel kostet das?
How much is that?
Ich kann nur X Euro bezahlen.
I can only pay X euros.
Ich habe nur X Euro dabei.
I only have X euros with me.
Kann ich es für X Euro kaufen?
Can I buy it for X euros?
Haben Sie etwas Billigeres?
Do you have something cheaper?
Haben Sie das in einer [kleineren/größeren] Größe?
Do you have that in a [smaller/bigger] size?
Um wieviel Uhr [öffnet/schließt] das Geschäft?
What time does the shop [open/close]?
Was möchten Sie?
What would you like?
Was suchen Sie?
What are you looking for?
Kann ich mit Bargeld bezahlen?
Can I pay with cash?
Kann ich mit Kreditkarte bezahlen?
Can I pay with credit card?
3. Ich hätte gern...
How to order in a German restaurant
You eat at least three times a day, even more on vacation, right? Mealtime is the perfect time to show off some of your newly acquired German skills.
Impress the waiter (and your new German girlfriend/boyfriend) by knowing a few simple German words, phrases, and restaurant questions by heart.
Einen Tisch für [zwei/drei/vier], bitte.
A table for [two/three/four], please.
Ich habe einen Tisch reserviert.
I booked a table.
Kann ich bitte die [Speisekarte/Weinkarte] sehen?
Can I see the [menu/wine list], please?
Ich hätte gern…
I would like…
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen X und Y?
What’s the difference between X and Y?
Mit laktosefreier Milch, bitte.
With lactose-free milk, please.
Ist das glutenfrei?
Is that gluten-free?
Haben Sie vegetarisches Essen?
Do you have vegetarian food?
Ein Glas Wasser, bitte.
A glass of water, please.
[Mit/ohne] Kohlensäure, bitte.
[Sparkling/not sparkling], please.
Ein Glas Leitungswasser, bitte.
A glass of tap water, please.
Waiter! / Waitress!
Die Rechnung, bitte.
The check, please.
das Frühstück
das Mittagessen
das Abendessen
Zum Wohl!
Guten Appetit!
Enjoy your meal!
das Salz
der Pfeffer
der Zucker
die Serviette
der Teller
die Gabel
der Löffel
das Messer
das Glas
die Tasse
Noch eine, bitte!
Another one, please!
Wo ist die Toilette?
Where is the bathroom?
Darf ich eine Quittung haben, bitte?
Can I have a receipt, please?
4. Wo ist ... ? Give directions in German and ask for directions.
Nowadays everyone has Google Maps on their smartphone, however asking a German for directions is still a great way to test your German.
Entschuldigung, wo ist…?
Excuse me, where is…?
In welcher Richtung ist X?
In what direction is X?
Ist es in der Nähe?
Is it nearby?
Ist es weit weg?
Is it far away?
Wo ist der [Eingang/Ausgang]?
Where is the [entrance/exit]?
Bringen Sie mich bitte zu dieser Adresse.
Please bring me to this address.
Zum Stadtzentrum, bitte.
To the city center, please.
Zum Bahnhof, bitte.
To the train station, please.
Zum Flughafen, bitte.
To the airport, please.
Es ist da./Da ist es.
It’s there./There it is.
Um die Ecke
Around the corner
Nach links
To the left
Nach rechts
To the right
Straight ahead
Halten Sie bitte hier an.
Please stop here.
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