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3 ways to reach your German Goals with our 3-month German course

Want to reach your German Goals within 3 months? Choosing to learn German with our 3-month German course at GermanMind gives you the benefits of:

  • Learning German from professional German teachers

  • Learning German from the most established German Language learning school in Dublin, Ireland

  • Improving your German with flexible class settings from a variety of choices such as online, in-person, 1 on 1 learning or group learning with a maximum of 8 students per class.

Excited to learn more about 3 ways to reach your German Goals with our 3-month German course? Then keep on reading!

1. Create a Plan

To get started in your German learning, you need to create a plan. You can't just jump in and expect the process of learning German to work itself out for you. You need to make it happen for yourself.

Write down your goals for learning German and why they're important. Goals are important because they give us direction and motivation when we feel like giving up. They also help us see how far we've come once we've reached them and seeing that progress will keep us going until our next goal! It's also important that these goals be concrete and measurable, so you'll know when or if they've been accomplished. For example, “I want to be able to order food in German by this time next month”.

Make sure to set realistic expectations for yourself! This is especially true if this is the first time you've tried something like this before; don't set an overly ambitious goal right away start small so you don’t get overwhelmed. Always remember that as long as you make time to learn German, no matter if it’s 5 minutes or 5 hours, every second counts.

As with any goal, it’s important to set your expectations and a great way to do this is by using a SMART goal-setting method to ensure that your goals are specific, measurable, achievable and time-bound. For example: “I want to be able to read German newspapers by the end of June” would be a great way to measure how far along you are in learning German.

You might just want to learn a few German words or phrases for your future trip to Germany or a German-speaking country or maybe you want to become fluent in order to network with German speakers for career-related goals or maybe you want to learn German just for fun. Either way, the more specific you make your goals, the more likely they are of being achieved!

2. Break the rules.

Once you've made these goals for yourself, it's time for the next step: breaking rules! Everyone knows that "rules" are meant for breaking! For example:

You will never learn German if you’re afraid to make mistakes. The first step towards learning any language is embracing the fact that it’s not going to be easy, and that everyone makes mistakes.

Remember to speak as much German as possible. Even if you feel you aren’t confident in your pronunciation of German words get into the habit of using any new German words you learn as often as possible by speaking them aloud, writing them down and using them in your everyday conversations. It's also important to remember that when you are learning new German words don’t just learn random words on their own, make sure to understand them with context. You need to consider whether the situation requires formal or informal language use, this is extremely important when learning German! For example: “Can I borrow some money?” or “Give me some money please!” would come across very differently between two people who don't know each other very well (familiar) compared with someone asking their boss on payday (formal).

Asking questions and speaking out loud are also key parts of the learning process: there is no point in practising your German on yourself if someone else isn’t listening! So, make sure to read out loud in German as much as possible and if you want to go the extra step then you can talk to native German speakers who can help you with your German pronunciation when you come across something difficult or confusing. The best way to communicate with native German speakers is by taking a look at the GermanMind website where you can learn from excellent German teachers to improve your speech in German.

Some people find it easier than others to put themselves out there, but there's nothing more rewarding than overcoming this fear and speaking up even if it means saying "Sorry?" every few sentences because you don't know what someone just said!

At GermanMind you don’t need to worry about making mistakes in front of large groups of people as our courses offer 1 on 1 learning and small group learning with the maximum class only containing 8 people, that way you can optimize your German learning as you’ll have more time to interact with your German teacher to improve your German and it’ll be less nerve-wracking if you do make a mistake since the classes are small.

3. Read a lot of things written in German.

Whether you're reading a book, magazine, or blog post online, choosing to read something in German will help you practice your vocabulary and grammar skills. Reading anything is better than reading nothing; however, if you're looking to get more out of your reading experience, choosing materials that are interesting to you will make it easier for you to keep going.

Find something you actually want to read, watch, or listen to in German and use it.

One of the best ways to learn German is by immersing yourself in the culture and media. By reading German books, watching German movies or shows and listening to German music, you can connect with native German speakers from all over the world.

Here are some suggestions for German reading materials:

  • Audiobooks: In addition to making it easy for you to learn how German sounds, audiobooks are also great because they're so entertaining. You can listen to them while driving, cooking, exercising, etc. It also helps when there's an accompanying text that matches up with what you hear! Listening to German audiobooks gives your brain something useful to do while soaking up all those new German words and phrases from your favourite authors' works.

  • Books: For some people who are learning German as adults, reading novels in the German language might be too much of a challenge right off the bat; however, you can always tackle this issue by mastering German grammar in order to deepen your understanding of German so that you can read German novels in ease. Crack the German cases: The GermanMind method is a great eBook that will teach you everything you need to know about German Grammar as it provides you with all the knowledge you need to know to help you optimize your German grammar learning.


You can learn German in three months if you keep your focus and make time for it. It may seem like a lot of work at first, but it will become easier once you get into the habit of studying every day. And remember: it’s worth sticking with! Learning German is an investment that will pay off big time in your career and personal life.

If you enjoyed learning how to reach your German goals with our three-month course, then why not get started by signing up for our three-month course at GermanMind, where you can study German from qualified German teachers who will enhance your German studies.

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