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Get Fluent in German: 116 Words to Impress Your German Freunde (Friends)

Writer's picture: SarahSarah

German is a rich and complex language with a vast vocabulary. As a newcomer to German, it can be overwhelming to learn all the words at once. So, to make your learning process easier, we have compiled a list of 116 essential German words that you should memorize to get started.

These words are chosen based on their frequency and usefulness in everyday conversations. By memorizing them, you will be able to communicate effectively and understand German speakers better.

Starting with common German nouns, such as "Haus" (house), "Auto" (car), and "Essen" (food), will give you a solid foundation. Prepositions, such as "in" (in), "auf" (on), and "an" (at), are also essential for forming sentences.

Pronouns, including "ich" (I), "du" (you), and "sie" (she, they), will help you communicate with others effectively.

Learning common phrases, such as "Wie geht es dir?" (How are you?), "Danke schön" (Thank you very much), and "Guten Tag" (Good day), will help you engage in conversations and show politeness.

Verbs, such as "haben" (to have), "mögen" (to like), and "sprechen" (to speak), will allow you to express your thoughts and feelings. Adjectives, including "groß" (big), "klein" (small), and "schön" (beautiful), will enable you to describe things accurately.

Knowing basic body parts, such as "Kopf" (head), "Auge" (eye), and "Bein" (leg), will help you understand medical conversations. Numbers, such as "eins" (one), "zwei" (two), and "drei" (three), will help you understand prices and quantities.

Time and seasons, such as "Morgen" (morning), "Nacht" (night), and "Herbst" (autumn), will help you schedule appointments and understand the weather. Multi-purpose words and phrases, such as "vielleicht" (maybe), "natürlich" (of course), and "keine Ahnung" (I have no idea), will enable you to communicate in different situations.

Asking questions and responding to them is also crucial in any language, so make sure to learn common German questions and their answers. Finally, as German and English share some linguistic roots, learning English imports, such as "Computer" (computer), "Handy" (mobile phone), and "Internet" (internet), will give you a head start in your German learning journey.

1. das Haus (house)

2. das Auto (car)

3. der Hund (dog)

4. die Katze (cat)

5. das Buch (book)

6. das Wasser (water)

7. das Essen (food)

8. der Kaffee (coffee)

9. die Musik (music)

10. der Mensch (human)

11. auf (on)

12. über (above)

13. unter (below)

14. neben (beside)

15. vor (in front of)

16. hinter (behind)

17. zwischen (between)

18. gegenüber (opposite)

19. durch (through)

20. in (in)

21. ich (I)

22. du (you)

23. er (he)

24. sie (she)

25. es (it)

26. wir (we)

27. ihr (you all)

28. sie (they)

29. Sie (formal you)

30. mich (me)

Common German Phrases

31. Hallo (hello) 32. Guten Morgen (good morning)

33. Wie geht's? (how are you?)

34. Mir geht's gut (I'm fine)

35. Danke (thank you)

36. Bitte (please)

37. Auf Wiedersehen (goodbye)

38. Bis bald (see you soon)

39. Wie bitte? (pardon me?)

40. Entschuldigung (excuse me)

41. sein (to be)

42. haben (to have)

43. machen (to do)

44. sagen (to say)

45. gehen (to go)

46. kommen (to come)

47. sehen (to see)

48. wollen (to want)

49. können (to be able to)

50. müssen (to have to)

51. schön (beautiful)

52. gut (good)

53. groß (big)

54. klein (small)

55. jung (young)

56. alt (old)

57. teuer (expensive)

58. billig (cheap)

59. schnell (fast)

60. langsam (slow)

German Body Parts

61. der Kopf (head)

62. die Augen (eyes)

63. die Nase (nose)

64. der Mund (mouth)

65. die Zähne (teeth)

66. die Hände (hands)

67. die Beine (legs)

68. die Füße (feet)

69. der Bauch (belly)

70. das Herz (heart)

German Numbers

71. eins (one)

72. zwei (two)

73. drei (three)

74. vier (four)

75. fünf (five)

76. sechs (six)

77. sieben (seven)

78. acht (eight)

79. neun (nine)

80. zehn (ten)

German Time and Seasons

81. heute (today)

82. morgen (tomorrow)

83. gestern (yesterday)

84. die Woche (week)

85. der Monat (month)

86. das Jahr (year)

87. der Frühling (spring)

88. der Sommer (summer)

89. der Herbst (autumn)

90. der Winter (winter)

Common Multi-Purpose Words and Phrases

91. aber (but)

92. denn (because)

93. doch (however)

94. auch (also)

95. nur (only)

96. schon (already)

97. noch (still)

98. mal (just)

99. alles (everything)

Questions and Responses

When learning a language, asking questions and responding to them are crucial for communication. Here are some common German questions and their answers:

101. Wie heißt du? (What's your name?) - Ich heiße... (My name is...)

102. Woher kommst du? (Where are you from?) - Ich komme aus... (I am from...)

103. Was machst du beruflich? (What do you do for a living?) - Ich bin... (I am a...)

104. Wie alt bist du? (How old are you?) - Ich bin... Jahre alt. (I am... years old.)

105. Was machst du heute Abend? (What are you doing tonight?) - Ich gehe... (I am going to...)

English Imports

As German and English share some linguistic roots, there are some words in German that are borrowed from English. Here are some of the most common ones:

106. der Computer (computer)

107. das Handy (mobile phone)

108. das Internet (internet)

109. der Job (job)

110. das Team (team)

111. die Show (show)

Fun Expressions

Finally, here are some fun expressions to add to your German vocabulary:

112. der Hals- und Beinbruch! (Break a leg!)

113. Alles klar! (All right!)

114. Kein Schwein ruft mich an! (Nobody calls me!)

115. Das ist mir Wurst! (I don't care!)

116. Ich drücke dir die Daumen! (I'm crossing my fingers for you!)

In conclusion, by memorizing these 116 essential German words, you will have a solid foundation to start building your German vocabulary. Practice them regularly, and you will soon be conversing in German with confidence.

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